Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Creating Energy Savings with Installed Technology

Yesterday I participated in a very interesting and insightful meeting sponsored by the Energy Star Group of the EPA and CEA's TechHome® Division.  While this was a great first step in getting the government to regonize that control systems such as lighting control and Home Automation can save energy, I was left with the feeling that they just don't get it!

In follow up emails between some of the most innovated integrators in the trade today, most were still trying to get a handle on the how, why, what factor.  WHat really get me worked up is that unless we, the trade, get behind a directed set of design and installation practices, we will not get the Energy Star folks to understand the process.

Quite frankly, in working with our clients locally developing 50+ housing in the 2,100 square foot range, my design of subsystems, i.e. lighting, audio-video, energy management, security/automation has a great deal of affect on how much energy the house will use.  Then in my installation, planning the proper home runs and wireways to save copper, drilling in the center of studs and keeping main runs to interior walls and using the extra space with the other trades, i.e. plumbing chases so they can be sealed also has a great deal of impact on the overall energy use of the home.  Finally, my choice of subsystem manufacturers and my working with the other trades, i.e. controlled thermostats, load shedding of the water heater during evening hours and while the home is in away mode.  We have found using timers on bath fans instead of switches, occupancy sensors on closet lights and in some hallways, the use of motion detectors provides more saving than the use of so called Energy Star fixtures.  We have changed our design is storage spaces to use a Leviton Compact Fluorescent fixture instead of keyless fixture with a twist in CFL, as they are even more efficient and cost less.

However, yesterday was a good start.  Hopefully over the next few months, we as integrators and with the help of manufacturers can develop a comprehensive design and installation plan that will show the Energy Star group that our Control systems are the most efficient and cost effective way to save energy and lower operating costs for our clients.  What do you think? Please contact me at

RJ, bringing technology home!

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